Saturday, July 14, 2012

So I Heard About Sleeping Beauty...

In this picture all of the children
were playing with chalk. This is my first time having a blog but, Roland, Me, Lillian and Jack are playing with chalk. If you are wondering I am holding my bear brianne. As you can see we were are having fun.
I was in a play. It was Sleeping  Beauty. I was a towns child, so was Roland, but my Mom and Dad decided he needed to concentrate on football. 

So I heard this is your first post...

In this picture all of the children
were playing with chalk. This is my first time having a blog but, Roland, Me, Lillian and Jack are playing with chalk. If you are wondering I am holding my bear brianne. As you can see we were are having fun.

I was in a play.It was Sleeping Beauty. I was a towns child so was Roland, but my Mom and Dad decided                                                                                                                            
he needed to concentrate on football. That  reminds me he had a football game and won! I am proud of him because he made two touchdowns and one extra point!   I LOVE WHEN HE WINS! 

I HOPE you have met the rest of my family because they are REALLY, REALLY NICE! 
  There's my Dad and Mom
then my annoying big brother, witch happens sometimes Roland, Lillian, and Jack. we have  a cat  named Akili.

I've wanted a blog for such a long time and I finally got one and I figured out myself!