Friday, December 11, 2015

So I Heard You're Getting Another Sibling...

Hi guys! It's been a long time since I've blogged but I felt like I needed to. So (drum roll please) I'm happy to say that next month my mom is due with my new brother or sister! I personally want another sister, but I kinda think it's going to be a boy but you never know. So there is Roland, Molly, Lillian, Jack, and Anthony. In this picture we are in Newport. We are right in front of the Rogue Train! Rogue has an amazing restaurant and they give free frisbees away. I highly recommend it!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

So I Heard You Saw A Rainbow...

Hey, look what I saw!
They aren't very good pictures but at least you can tell what it is!

We were on our way to see a great person named Jo, I had made her cookies.
Love you Jo!

Monday, March 16, 2015

So I Heard You Were In Dr. Dolittle...

This was me. I was Polynesia the Parrot. Actually I was doing two plays at once. I was also doing White Christmas. I had a whole song. It was my first solo. Do you like my costume? I am sitting on a rolling cart, pushed by my shadow  Dawn. It is all black so it would blend in with the curtain, and it was supposed to make me look like I'm flying.