Sunday, August 25, 2013

So I Heard Things From A Long Time Ago...

I know this from a long time ago but I like comparing pictures like this to how Anthony looks now. And with his red eyes it's like he is evil, but adorable and he wouldn't hurt a fly, well not on purpose anyways.
  Here is a good picture of Roland and Anthony and it's a good picture too, yeah! This next picture isn't about Anthony but it is a picture of last Christmas when I got my Kindle at first I thought it was for my Dad but Mom said it was for me but now I can't find it but I know it will turn up and that day I felt on top of the world it felt so good!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

So I Heard Crazy Stuff's Going on at your Place...

Oh not much is going on if you call throwing up and fevers and headaches is not much but that's all behind us now the day after all that horribleness everyone was so board we went to the library and I've read about fourty-eight hours which is if you ask me is pretty cool. Today we went to the Saturday market and bought  tons of berries and cookies and muffins. After that of course we went home,(why wouldn't we,) and then my Grandma came over so we could give her takeout food/her dinner. And now my Dad and Roland are watching football. So now Let's go a little further back well let's see well I had my first playdate with my friend Abby from fith ward, she is a great friend and her Mom runs a daycare I met one of the daycare kids and he was so adorable. I met Abby at Activity girl daycamp

                                                  Being nine is divine!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

So I heard you got Goldfish...

Saturday was pretty exiting for us, we did tons of work and cleaning, then went to four different stores to find goldfish for the family, there's Conrad (he's mine), Copper's Roland's, George is Lillian's and Jack's is blue an animated puppy (his favorite character ) and Anthony's is Smiley because he likes to smile. George and smiley died though, we tried new fish, those two also died, but we still love fish!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

So I Heard You Got Some Cutie Pies...

Anthony is cute right, actually super, super,super duper cute, when he was a little tiny baby he tried to sneeze and failed he would make a little oh or aw. in the picture to the right he is posing at the park, having some fun. I just love his curls there just so adorable, right. Wow I just love Anthony so much!
Look it's Anthony and Bryson aren't they so cute!
I can't blame Bryson for being so cute. He is my newest cousin.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

So I Heard You Got Some Cute Babies...

Look at those cuties! So cute right, Jack is about to read Anthony a book. Cute right! He can't really,
Little  baby Anthony!
I'm not a good a blogger as my Mom but I still like it. Isn't this picture so cute!